Opening hours
When is school open?
School is available to all children for 47.7 hours a week during term time.
7:45am | School opens for breakfast club |
8:40am | School gates open |
8:50am | School day starts |
8:55am | School day starts. If your child arrives after this, they will be marked late |
3pm | Nursery end of day |
3:15pm | Class 1 and Class 2 end of day |
3:20pm | Class 3 and Class 4 end of day |
5:30pm | After school club ends |
It is compulsory for your child to attend school from 8:50am - 3:20pm every day during term time.
Reception children will enter school through the reception door, Infant children will come through the infant door, and Junior children will come through the junior door.
Remember that persistent lateness can be legally counted as unauthorised absence.