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St John's Catholic

Primary School

In God's Love We Shine Together



St John's Catholic

Primary School

In God's Love We Shine Together

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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2 for 2023 - 2024


In Class 2 we are Year 1 and Year 2.

Hello, I am Mrs Taylor,  the class teacher.

I like to use Growth mindset in my classroom and encourage children to develop a positive attitude to their learning.

A growth mindset can encourage a passion for learning and an ease in facing new challenges. Children with a growth mindset outperform those with a fixed mindset and are more likely to bounce back from failures (Schroder et al., 2017).


Welcome back to the Summer term! I hope that you have all recharged your batteries and are ready for a great

term. The children will be learning about Plants, in science: I hope to take the children to our wonderful forest and we can identify the different plants and trees growing there.

The children will be planting a variety of seeds from sunflowers to carrots!  Any spare small plant pots would be appreciated. 

Also in History - Who is Walter Tull? Walter Tull was both a professional footballer player and a soldier during World War One. Walter had to give up his career as a footballer to help out in the war, but he then became recognised as the first black officer to lead white British soldiers into battle. 

I will upload my Summer 1 Newsletter at the end of the week. 


Summer Newsletter 2024 




In order to make the transition to cursive (joined) handwriting easier later on in school, we have moved to precursive handwriting in Year 1. This will allow the children to see where the letters join together and also allows the pencil to flow more freely without coming off the paper. 

Year 2 will move onto cursive writing when they are confident with their letter joins.




Read with and to your children. Listen to them read regularly as this helps their confidence and their writing too. Read different books: Stories, Fact books, comics, cards and letters.   


Buy your child a small notebook and a pencil. They can write in it, describing all the things that you do together or things that they have done with their friends. A fun resource and can encourage an interest in writing. 


Our class is going to be using an online tool called Seesaw, it’s a secure online learning journal where children can create and upload their work to document their learning.

Your child will add things like photos, videos, worksheets, drawings and voice recordings to their Seesaw journal.

Seesaw journals are private and only accessible by the teacher, students, and parents.  

We all really enjoy 'Forest Schools'. We have a wonderful Forest that is a short walk away that we can visit and do Forest Schools activities.




Physical Education  - PE lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays: On Tuesday it is delivered by the Lancashire sports partnership. All children must wear suitable clothing.  




Home learning/ Useful websites
