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St John's Catholic

Primary School

In God's Love We Shine Together



St John's Catholic

Primary School

In God's Love We Shine Together

Contact Us

Contact Details

Live Simply


We are pleased to share with you that our school will be working towards becoming a LiveSimply school and achieving the LiveSimply Award.


The LiveSimply Award, coordinated by CAFOD, the Catholic agency for overseas development, is presented to schools who demonstrate they are living simply, living sustainably, and living in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities.


During our LiveSimply journey, we will be taking faith inspired actions that support our school & local communities and our global sisters and brothers too.


We look forward to telling you more about our actions and inviting you to also take part with us.

We really appreciate your support.



Why LiveSimply? | CAFOD

St John's Live Simply Pledge

Our Live Simply pledge.


A pledge is a promise to do something.


We have each made a pledge, promising to do one of the following:

  • Live Simply
  • Live Sustainably
  • Live in Solidarity

with the worlds poorest communities.



Big Lenten Walk

We recently took part in the 'Big Lenten Walk' to raise money for CAFOD, enabling us to live in solidarity with others less fortunate than ourselves.


Thank you to your incredible support and our children's dedication, we raised £1420 for Cafod's Big Lenten Walk.

Thank you!

Take a look at some pictures of the event!
