Class 3
Happy New Year!
Welcome back! Best Wishes to everyone as we begin 2025! I am very excited to be starting our new topic for this half term, ‘Tremors’ in which we will be finding out about natural disasters around the world both in the past and more recently. We will be investigating different ‘Rocks’ in Science and finding out what lies below the surface of the earth.
Homework - Please note English / Maths homework will continue to be set on a Thursday and handed in before Thursday the following week. Please do take a look at the new Topic Homework suggestions! I continue to be impressed by the quality of the homework that comes into school and would like to thank parents for taking the time to support your child. Well done to all the children who earned a certificate before Christmas!
Spelling- We continue with the Spelling Shed programme which embraces the knowledge of patterns and rules as well as the learning of spellings from the statutory words, common exceptions and personal spellings. Your child will be taught spelling daily in class and bring home a pattern / rule to focus on each week. Their understanding will be assessed each Thursday. I am delighted with the progress made by all children last term.
P.E.- PE lessons continue on Tuesdays and Fridays delivered by the Lancashire sports partnership.
Forest School Dates will be given ASAP - We will be visiting Scutcher’s Acres as soon as the weather is reasonable. Please wear appropriate clothing/ waterproofs/ wellies.
Reading— Thank you to so many parents that are supporting your child’s reading at home. Please continue to listen to your child read as often as you can and record this in the Reading Record book. Your child will read with me each week in a focused Guided Reading group as well as on a daily basis within lessons. Please ensure your child’s book is sent into school every day.
Named water bottles and healthy snacks may be bought into school—toast is available for 20 pence/day.
If you have any questions or concerns, I am available to discuss your child’s academic or social progress – just call into the office to make an appointment or email me Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Williams
Our Topic this Half Term
Our Curriculum Spring 1
Topic Homework Spring 1 2025
Class 3's Visit to The Atkinson!
Class 3 Forest School Autumn 2024
R.E. in Class 3! To Know You More Clearly
Key Learning in Class 3
What is Power Maths?
Power Maths is a resource that has been designed for UK schools based on research and extensive experience of teaching and learning around the world and here in the UK. It has been designed to support and challenge all pupils, and is built on the belief that EVERYONE can learn maths successfully.
Key Learning in Mathematics in Class 3
Class 3 use The Spelling Shed for our weekly Spelling Patterns!
Key Learning in English in Class 3
We have a whole school subscription to a fantastic, cursive handwriting scheme. This subscription allows children to log on at home for extra practice either using a pen and paper, a desktop or a tablet! Have fun!
Other Subjects
Websites to support the Curriculum
Other Subjects