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St John's Catholic

Primary School

In God's Love We Shine Together



St John's Catholic

Primary School

In God's Love We Shine Together

Contact Us

Contact Details

Class 3

A note from Mrs Williams…

 Welcome back! I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer! I am delighted to welcome the Year 3’s to the juniors, I’m sure you will settle in brilliantly to Class Three; and of course a huge welcome back to my Year 4’s! I will available in the classroom after school on Thursday 12th September for a ‘Meet the Teacher’ session. This is mainly for the parents that are new to the juniors but feel free to join me and I will answer any questions you may have as we begin the new school year. Please note Mrs Williams will be teaching Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday -  Miss Kenyon will be in class on Friday’s. We also welcome Miss.Weir to the junior team!

P.E.  P.E. will be on a Tuesday and a Friday and delivered by the Lancashire sports partnership.  Please ensure the children have a named P.E. kit and pumps / trainers in school by 10th September if possible!

Spelling - St.John’s has now fully implemented the Spelling Shed scheme which embraces the knowledge of patterns and rules as well as the  learning of spellings from the statutory words, common exceptions and personal spellings.  Your child will be taught spelling daily in class and bring home a pattern / rule to focus on each week. Their understanding will be monitored on a THURSDAY and new spellings given.

Reading Thank you to so many parents that are supporting your child’s reading at home. Please continue to listen to your child read as often as you can and record this in the Reading Record book. Your child will read with me in a focused Guided Reading group on a weekly basis, as well as on a daily basis within lessons. Each child is responsible for changing their own book when needed, within the stage they are on. We are focusing on detailed understanding and comprehension of texts this year so please try to talk about the main events of the story / characters in the book / where the story takes place/ what will happen next etc.

Times Tables

Please encourage your child to learn their times tables as we practise them every week. The children will be given the opportunity to earn certificates as they progress. Please note it is important they understand the related division facts:

So : 2 multiplied by 5 = 10    so      10 divided by 5 = 2. 


Named water bottles and healthy snacks may be bought into school—optional toast is available at 20 pence per day. This can be paid for online . If you have any questions or concerns, I am available to discuss your child’s  academic or social progress – just call into the office to make an appointment or email me   d.williams@burscough.lancs.sch.uk

Thank you, for your continued support,   

 Mrs Williams






Our Topic this Half Term

Our Curriculum Autumn 1

Topic Homework Autumn 2024

Class 3 Forest School Autumn 2024

R.E. in Class 3!

Key Learning in Class 3

What is Power Maths?

Power Maths is a resource that has been designed for UK schools based on research and extensive experience of teaching and learning around the world and here in the UK. It has been designed to support and challenge all pupils, and is built on the belief that EVERYONE can learn maths successfully.

Class 3 use The Spelling Shed for our weekly Spelling Patterns!





We have a whole school subscription to a fantastic, cursive handwriting scheme. This subscription allows children to log on at home for extra practice either using a pen and paper, a desktop or a tablet! Have fun!



Other Subjects

Websites to support the Curriculum 




Other Subjects


Supermarket Visit to Booths

Ribchester Visit Autumn Term 2 2023
