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St John's Catholic

Primary School

In God's Love We Shine Together



St John's Catholic

Primary School

In God's Love We Shine Together

Contact Us

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Collective worship, Prayer & Liturgy

Our school is very blessed in having a very supportive priest, Fr Daley,
within the parish who visits school weekly (sometimes daily),

helping our children to experience what it means to belong to our 

parish community.

Fr Daley also leads the catechesis for the sacramental programmes in school.

The children are fortunate to be able to experience the richness of the liturgical life of the Church in many ways throughout the year such as celebrating mass weekly, Candlemass, Lenten and Advent services, Feast of the Immaculate conception.

Our wonderful y6 boys are pictured here celebrating Collective Worship with our youngest children, Reception class. 


Class 4 are working towards collecting their 'Worship Warrior' badges.

Once they have planned and delivered 10 Collective worships, they will receive their 'Green Worship Warrior' Badge.
To earn the 'Purple Worship Warrior' badge, they will need to plan and deliver 25 collective worships.

To reach peace - the 'White Worship Warrior' Badge, they will need to plan and deliver 50 Collective worships. 


Good luck every one!


